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18 Places You Might Find a Karen Causing a Ruckus this Summer

18 Places You Might Find a Karen Causing a Ruckus this Summer

Black people raise your cellphones in the air, it's Karen season. Not even your own home is safe from a Karen tantrum.

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Screenshot: KnowYourMeme

Karens are unavoidable. Wherever they spawn, they are most likely exercising the highest level of entitlement and white privilege with a sprinkle of villainy on top. Unfortunately, these places could be your driveway, a park - hell, maybe even outside the church house Sunday morning. They are the community watchmen no one asked for.


Their behavior is not only appalling but embarrassing to witness because they always act a fool in the most mundane areas. Yet, all the viral videos have people wondering, “When will it be my turn to confront a Karen?

Well, the good news is that when the Karen-distribution-system finally works in your favor, you might find them in one of these 18 places.

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Photo: Andrey Burstein (Shutterstock)

Karens will certainly cause a ruckus going up to bat for their kids but not in the typical Mama Bear way but the entitled, “I just feel like starting a problem,” way. More often than not, they don’t pay any attention to what their offspring is doing until they’re accused of not playing nice with another kid.


In complete denial, that Karen will turn into an attorney defending their child from the accusation that they stole someone’s toy... while refusing to acknowledge the stolen toy still in their child’s hand.

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Doctor’s Office

Doctor’s Office

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Photo: takasu (Shutterstock)

If they arrive in that office, believe they think their appointment is more important than anyone else. Karens don’t have an ounce of patience, especially with the desk clerks who move at their own speed. On the other hand, the Karen could be the nurse helping you (or supposed to help). Ignoring your symptoms, scolding you for your daily habits or belittling your pain is right in the Karen handbook.


Then, if you clap back at them you’re suddenly in the wrong.

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Sports Stands

Sports Stands

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Photo: apiguide (Shutterstock)

Did you think you could enjoy your baseball-soccer-basketball game without the presence of a Karen heckler? Shame. They will photobomb your pictures and videos. They try to steal seats that aren’t theirs. They will also pick fights with you if you’re on the opposing team while completely sober at that.

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Dog Park

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Photo: Virrage Images (Shutterstock)

Karens are the most toxic dog parents to date. They walk their dogs without a leash, rarely pick up after them and get defensive when you approach them about it. The world is their oyster, remember? As far as being dog lovers, they certainly don’t think twice about petting the service dog wearing a “Do Not Pet” vest.

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College Campuses

College Campuses

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Photo: Bryan Pollard (Shutterstock)

Going to a school that happens to be planted in the middle of a city means non-students may stroll across the green from time to time. However, a Karen treats a campus like it’s a public park, having the nerve to fight with you over outside seating or walking in the path of their bike that wasn’t a bike path to begin with. Leaving trash and dog poop around or fussing that they can’t access the library without a student ID, they shake their iced Starbucks drinks unbothered by the bothering they do.

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Photo: Artography (Shutterstock)

Karens can typically spawn at any coffee shop but the Starbucks drinkers are a different breed. They are impatient, have the most complicated orders and try to cut the line because they think their drink is being made first. Sometimes, they even snatch someone else’s drink and throw a tantrum when they realize it’s a grande matcha frappucino instead of a venti pumpkin spice latte.

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Your Front Lawn

Your Front Lawn

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Photo: topseller (Shutterstock)

Karens have no concept of minding their business. In addition to that, they don’t see Black people as people, but rather criminals up to no good. God forbid you’re watering some flowers or playing kickball with the kids, you can expect a Karen to speed walk up to you accusing you a squatting or trespassing on property.


You might as well have your mortgage stapled to your forehead. Here’s a tip: Make sure your Ring security system’s video is working properly.

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Any Given Parking Lot

Any Given Parking Lot

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Photo: Jonathan Weiss (Shutterstock)

Some of the most outrageous Karen outbursts happen in the parking lot of Walmart, ShopRite, Harris Teeter or wherever you get groceries from. They will accuse you of stealing something in the store or worse, accuse you of stealing something they lost themselves. While following you to your car or standing in front of your vehicle to prevent you from driving off, they convince themselves they’re saving the world.

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Photo: S_Photo (Shutterstock)

Summer is here which means every salty white person in the neighborhood is doing thumb lifts to practice dialing 911 when you host your cookout, graduation party and simply enjoy your backyard. It’s never just a noise complaint or parking issue. They want the whole occasion shut down just because.

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Photo: DGLimages (Shutterstock)

Karens in eating establishments go beyond “I want to speak to your manager.” They request ridiculous accommodations, send food back to the kitchen a thousand times and yell at the staff until they get their food for free. If they get real heated, you might just see a plate fly across the room.

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The Gym

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Photo: MARVIK (Shutterstock)

It’s never, “I’ll wait for you to complete your set,” or “Can I grab that after you’re done?” It is and will always be the most disrespectful encounter you’ll have with a Karen in the gym. The problem is that they probably walked in the spot thinking they own the place anyway. So, naturally, they get offended at anyone who refuses to surrender equipment mid-workout.


Oh, and if you’re one of those fitness influencers - they will certainly photobomb your video just to be petty.

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Hotel Lobbies

Hotel Lobbies

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Photo: Aleksei Potov (Shutterstock)

You can’t customize your boarding at a hotel like a salad at Chopt. However, Karens don’t really grasp that. Last minute reservations, room changes and more can be difficult for even the most dedicated hotel desk manager to do. But Karens expect them to make miracles happen and while they go back and forth about whether or not the bedsheets are vegan, there’s a line of people waiting to check in.

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A Sidewalk

A Sidewalk

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Photo: rSnapshotPhotos (Shutterstock)

This dates all the way to Jim Crow when Black folks had to move to the side or to the street to let white people pass. You might just walk up on a Karen walking aimlessly, taking up the sidewalk or even in your direction without acknowledging your space.


If you’re on their side of town, they’ll certainly stop you with the most grim, insincere smile and wide-eyed, wrinkled forehead expression to ask you, “Hi there, are you lost? Are you from around here?”

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Public Park

Public Park

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Photo: Gennady Zakharin (Shutterstock)

All of the things people do (and are allowed to do) in public parks get on a Karen’s nerves. Birdwatching, walking their dogs, riding a scooter and even sitting on a bench warrants an outburst.

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Grocery Store Aisle

Grocery Store Aisle

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Photo: I MAKE PHOTO 17 (Shutterstock)

Karens park their carts in the middle of the aisle while pondering over the shelves of spices they know they won’t take anything from. Then, after kindly asking them to move out the way, they might just take things up a notch accusing you of threatening them.

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The Airport

The Airport

Image for article titled 18 Places You Might Find a Karen Causing a Ruckus this Summer
Photo: Rob Wilson (Shutterstock)

Karens show their whole tail in the airport. They hold up the attendants at the counter when they miss their flight waiting for a pumpkin spice latte and assume the world will stop to put them on a plane. Even when the weather cancels or delays flights, Karens will cause a ruckus until they figure out how to fly a plane themselves.

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Photo: Mike Kuhlman (Shutterstock)

Karens have a thing for having a tantrum over what they can’t control. One of those things is traffic. They will try to cut you off with their whale of a minivan and “baby on board” bumper sticker. They honk excessively, flick off passerby drivers and terrorize everyone in their car with complaints of not being able to move.

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Any Black/Multicultural Event

Any Black/Multicultural Event

Image for article titled 18 Places You Might Find a Karen Causing a Ruckus this Summer
Photo: Jono Erasmus (Shutterstock)

Campus organization events, pizza parties, group therapy or any space where two or more are gathered and happen to be nonwhite, best believe a Karen will file a complaint. Why? Because they don’t understand the purpose of of-color-exclusive spaces. Oh no. They must disrupt the peace by making it known they are being intentionally left out.


What places have you encountered a Karen?
