The man who started a GoFundMe and raised some $22 million to help build the border wall that only racists, xenophobes and racist xenophobes want and then went radio silent with all that white-nationalist scratch is speaking out.
After several news outlets began wondering where all that border wall money went, Brian Kolfage, an Air Force veteran who started the fundraising campaign, offered an update.
“WALL UPDATE: there’s no update because we are remaining silent for a very good reason. You all will have the best present very soon,” Kolfage wrote on Facebook on Saturday, The Hill reports.
“When I guaranteed we’d build the wall I meant it, and we are working with many congressmen and senators to help us mitigate these issues from the left wing attack groups! We are in the homestretch and it’s on a need to know basis. We have been talking with Fox News and prime time shows to break the news for you, you’re going to see it very soon! And it’s going to be GLORIOUS!”
I once used the word “glorious” in an email to a woman I was dating about a idea for a musical I had and it wasn’t glorious. The mere use of glorious makes me think this guy is lying.
According to The Hill, “Kolfage launched the fundraiser in December, at the height of the standoff between Trump and congressional Democrats over funding for a border wall.”
Kolfage claimed that he started a nonprofit group called We Build the Wall in George Zimmerman’s Florida to receive all of the contributors’ money. In January, Kolfage noted that he was going to give a refund to all those who gave their hard-earned dollars towards a physical wall to physically manifest their hatred if the goal didn’t reach $1 billion.
Well, that turned out to be bullshit; he didn’t refund anyone and instead kept the GoFundMe page going and continues to post about immigration.
Much like the president that Kolfage idolizes, the donation-page creator has lied about the wall actually being built. “In a March interview with American Family Radio, Kolfage said his project was going to ‘start breaking ground’ on a wall April. He told the New York Times in January that ground breaking would begin within ‘weeks.’” The Hill notes.
Ain’t shit happening with this wall. In fact, the Daily Beast reported Friday that there’s “no evidence that any construction has started.”
Kolfage, also like the president, called the Daily Beast article fake news.
“Omg this is PERFECT timing by the liberal rag news site,” Kolfage wrote on his Facebook page. “They are about to look more stupid than @hillaryclinton on election night 2016! I guaranteed we would build the wall...and I’ll leave it at that!”
There’s a better chance that Kolfage is going to build a wall of lawyers between contributors and his bank account then him actually building a wall.