As if the legal drama surrounding Wendy Williams and the state of her wellbeing wasn’t complicated enough, her ex-husband Kevin Hunter has just added yet another convoluted layer to the situation.
Per court documents newly obtained by The Sun on Tuesday, it appears that Hunter has filed a Grievance Committee complaint against Williams’ legal guardian Sabrina Morrissey. Originally filed in back in Oct., in it, Hunter alleged that not only has Morrissey been purporting herself to be his ex-wife’s legal guardian but that she’s also been allegedly purporting to be practicing law in the state of New Jersey without even having a license to begin with.
“Ms. Morrissey is not and has not been legally appointed as Guardian of my ex-wife in New Jersey, yet Ms. Morrissey has filed motions, cross motions, and responses to motions, as well as testified in court in a jurisdiction that she has no legal standing,” the documents read in part. “Ms. Morrissey is practicing law without a license in the State of New Jersey.”
For context and as previously reported by The Root, Morrissey and Hunter have been embroiled in a legal back-and-forth of sorts since the latter party and Williams’ divorce was finalized back in 2020. In the aftermath, Hunter began receiving alimony payments from the former eponymous daytime talk show host— or at least, that was the case before her bank Wells Fargo concluded that she was an “incapacitated person” and Williams was appointed a financial guardian— a.k.a. Morrissey. Once appointed, Morrissey filed court documents in an attempt to regain the $112,000 Hunter received as a part of alimony citing the fact that he was “overpaid” for three months and was “unjustly enriched” by Williams’ bank account and more. The two have been going at it ever since.
Fast forward to now and Morrissey is clapping back at Hunter’s new claim and has since responded to the new court documents asserting that she was granted the role of guardianship for the popular TV personality through a New York Supreme Court judge.
The Sun has more:
Sabrina then claimed, “I have never appeared as an attorney in any Court for my ward, Wendy Williams Hunter.”
Sabrina cited a New Jersey Court Rule that stated, “A person not qualifying to practice pursuant to the first paragraph of this rule shall nonetheless be permitted to appear and prosecute or defend an action in any court of this State if the person (1) is a real party of interest of the action or the guardian of the party.”
She argued, “Without question, based on the statute, the guardian of a party is authorized to appear in a proceeding in New Jersey, in place of her ward.”
Morrissey also made it clear that she wouldn’t be transferring Williams’ guardianship to New Jersey unless Williams decides to move there herself and has since hired a New Jersey attorney to continue sorting out the rest of the post-divorce money drama between the two parties moving forward.
This news comes just days after Williams was spotted out in public and in good spirits just weeks after it was revealed she’d been labeled as “cognitively impaired, permanently disabled, and incapacitated” back in Nov.