Because the white nationalists immigration hardliners in the executive branch just can’t help themselves from showing their true colors, Trump administration officials announced major changes to the mandatory test required to become a naturalized citizen of the U.S.
In a statement Friday, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced Friday that it will revise the agency’s ten-question civics test that our “stable genius” president probably couldn’t pass even if a family-size bucket of original recipe KFC was riding on it.
“U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is revising the current naturalization test with improvements to ensure it continues to serve as an accurate measure of a naturalization applicant’s civics knowledge and that it reflects best practices in adult education assessments,” the statement read. “The goal is to create a meaningful, uniform, and efficient test that will assess applicants’ knowledge and understanding of U.S. history, government and values.”
Currently, potential citizens must correctly answer at least six out of ten short-answer questions about history, government, holidays and politics. The questions are randomly generated from a list of 100 questions provided to citizenship applicants. The test hasn’t been revised since 2008, when the George W. Bush administration switched out the set of questions that testers had been using for nearly two decades (you can take a sample of the current test here).
The changes will be overseen by USCIS acting director Ken Cuccinelli, a right-wing Tea Party advocate who says his agency provides “privileges, not rights.” The former Virginia attorney general is so far right that even conservatives like Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) refused to support his Senate confirmation, The Hill reports, prompting Trump to name Cuccinelli as the agency’s acting director.
Cuccinelli also insisted that Donald Trump’s recent tweet telling four Democratic congresswomen to “go back” to their countries, wasn’t racist.
“Ken Cuccinelli has advocated for ending birthright citizenship, compared immigrants to rats, and suggested that immigrants seeking asylum can instead simply ‘go home,’” Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Cali.) told Real Clear Politics. “His views are abhorrent, and he is unfit for any position overseeing our immigration system.”
A 2018 survey by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation found that just 1 in 3 U.S. citizens could pass the current test, the Washington Post reports. Khizr Khan, the Gold Star father who would probably fight Trump if he was given the chance, has dared Trump to take the naturalization exam.
USCIS hasn’t spelled out the changes they will make, but described the revisions as “benign.” However, The Root was able to take a sample test with potential questions that may or may not make the final cut:
- Who is the greatest president who ever lived?
A. Donald Trump
B. Donald Trump
C. Donald Trump
D. All of the above - Where was Barack Obama born?
A. Kenya
B. An ISIS camp
C. A shithole country
D. It’s impossible to tell unless we see the birth certificate - Which one of the following does the FBI classify as a terrorist act?
A. A violent white supremacist march
B. Sending bombs to U.S. politicians
C. Attacking the U.S. election system
D. Believing that black lives matter - How is the U.S President elected?
A. By getting a foreign government to tamper with the elections
B. By suppressing the black vote
C. By stoking racism, xenophobia and fear.
D. By white people - What kind of people immigrate from Mexico?
A. Rapists who target white women
B. Drug Dealers
C. Sex trafficking victims
D. Some of them, I suppose, are good people - Which one of the following is un-American?
A. Exercising your first amendment right to disagree with the President
B. Health Care
C. Islam
D. Democrats - Who is America’s greatest enemy?
A. The press
B. Immigrant children
C. Hillary Clinton’s emails
D. Ilhan Omar - Who was the worst President?
A. Obama
B. Barack Obama
C. Barack Hussein Obama
D. All of the above - Which one of these places is not a part of the U.S.
A. Puerto Rico
B. Places that voted for Hillary Clinton
C. Sanctuary cities
D. The imaginary place where the Muslims danced after 9/11 - What would make America great again?
A. A wall
B. A Muslim Ban
C. Kiddie concentration camps
D. White supremacy
Needless to say, we failed.
And so did America.