Kanye West’s past behavior is now coming back to haunt him. In a recent sneak preview of the new A&E show, “Interrogation Raw: Celebrity Under Oath,” the Chicago rapper is seen butting heads with an attorney during a June 2021 deposition that was done over Zoom.
In the clip, Michael Popok, one of the attorneys on the call notices that Ye is on his phone and asks him to not be on it during the legal procedure. In response, he says, “Due to my mental geniusness, in order to focus on this bullshit I need to be on a phone.”
West’s attorneys then step in and try to convince their client to get off his phone and pay attention during the call. After accepting to get off the phone, he then takes off the hat he’s wearing and puts on a mask.
When questioned why he was wearing the mask, the Chicago rapper states, “Because you don’t have the right to see my face.”
Things get even more heated between Ye and Popok in another clip when he asks the “Vultures” rapper what room he’s in. A frustrated Kanye replies, “I’m not gonna tell you! You never gonna see me again!”
Popok then asks if there’s anyone in the room with him and if there are any other items with him. Ye then says, “Are you stupid?! I’m not gonna tell you other things. I don’t have time to be talking about, ‘I got a chair in the room.’ You are talking to the richest Black person in the history of America!”
The deposition was part of a lawsuit filed against the Chicago artist by the company MyChannel, who was accusing West of stealing technology from them for his popular Sunday Service show. They also claimed that he promised to invest nearly $10 million in the company and never did.
Ye eventually settled with the company in September 2021, with both sides agreeing to a dismissal.