What do I wear? How do I style it? How can I express myself? These are all questions one asks when attending any event, from galas to award shows. Now more than ever, as influencers take center stage, personal style and individuality are essential keys to fashion. Ahead of the upcoming The Root 100 event, we caught up with some of the internet’s biggest fashionistas and influencers to pick their brains on fashion trends, standing out and red carpet must-haves.
George Myrie, known as @Stuylin on Instagram, had one bit of advice when addressing fashion tips and tricks for a red carpet: a pop of color. Despite the inclination you may have to lean into more muted tones during the fall, never underestimate what color can do to really make you stand out, Myrie told us.
“Wear bright and vibrant colors,” he explained. “Just because its the fall that doesn’t mean you have to wear dark muted colors. Last year I wore a bright fire engine red coat as my ‘pop of color.’”
Blake Newby, @blakelawren on Instagram, also suggests leaning into the color of it all. “It’s the winter which means we usually see a lot of black at events like these,” she explained to us. “My advice is to not be afraid to play with color and texture. Trust me, most will be in neutrals, so trying a hue that plays up our already radiant skin tones is a sure way to turn heads.”

As for Broderick Hunter, the model and actor you may have seen on shows like Insecure, he insists on picking a theme that highlights character in color in the colors. “Mixing tones and with a touch of accessories where necessary,” he explained. “When being styled for an occasion like the Root 100, it feels important to remember there’s a difference between making a statement and having a presence.”
Hunter also insists on the importance of having someone you trust and can see the real you when working with designers and stylists. “Choose eyes who are dressing you that care about see and feel your presence; that adds value.”
For events like The Root 100, there are always must-haves you may want when gracing a carpet. For each of these influencers, their essentials vary. “I always recommend coming with some kind of powder puff of sorts so you can blot yourself as needed, especially with all the photos being taken,” Newby told us, while also suggesting keeping your lipstick on hand and, “always keep an extra safety pin and strip of fashion tape in case you or anyone around you experiences a fashion snafu.”

Myrie recommends a fashionable way to keep unwanted perspiration at bay: a hanky. “If you’re a man that perspires like me, then a hanky in the back pocket is a must,” he told us. “Nothing worse than to look sweaty in pics.” As for Hunter, he suggests three products: Chapstick, a stain remover stick and gum.
Making waves in the fashion and influencer space is not easy, and these three offered up some sound advice on lessons they have learned while making their way through this competitive industry. “Not all influencers are created equal, some are very non-verbal when you see them in real life and that’s not because they don’t like you,” Myrie warned. “It may be because they are characters online to sell items...”
“After over 10 years in this space, I get the lesson that God requires my intention to serve him wherever I go,” Hunter told us. “It’s easy to get caught up on the IMAGE, but God’s undeniable presence in this world is an internal, external and eternal victory that only he can bring me through my work, voice and actions.”
Newby once again pressed the importance of staying true to yourself.“Originality and true personal style will get you much further than just replicating outfits or trends you see on social,” she concluded. “I pride myself on picking and posting looks that I actually like, not looks that I’m seeing on everyone else. It keeps my community engaged and keeps my creative juices flowing.”